If there is no crisis in your life right now, you’re either just coming out of one or you’re about to go into one. When we face those trials in life, often fear overcomes our faith. When you face a major crisis in your life, you will have to decide who you are going to trust in — the Lord, or your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
In Hebrews 11, the writer is talking to a group of Jewish believers about faith. He reminds them of the faith their forefathers embraced. They had faith that God would fulfill His promises to them, even when they were facing the impossible. These were men of action. They demonstrated that faith IS action.
Brandi Bischoff shares her experience with faith in the face of her sister’s death, her son’s illness, witnessing the death of another mother’s child, her own mother’s death, and her husband’s deployments to war zones. She talks about having faith that God will fulfill His promises, even when He answers prayers with a “no.”
Do you really trust God for the impossible? Or, when faced with the impossible, does fear overtake your faith?